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Good Eggs Product Team
Good Eggs Product Team
Insights and reflections from product and engineering at Good Eggs.
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Angular Cached Resource

Angular Cached Resource is a module for AngularJS that provides a clean way to interact with server-side data sources, even when the browser cannot always connect to the server. It’s basically an offline-compatible wrapper around Angular’s core Resource module. Fork it on GitHub or…

Chai Webdriver

Provides selenium-webdriver sugar for the Chai assertion library. Allows you to create expressive integration tests:

expect('.frequency-field').dom.to.contain.text('One time')

AMQP EventEmitter

EventEmitter over AMQP! Nothing more, nothing less! Check it out on GitHub or:

npm install amqp-eventemitter

Works really well with RabbitMQ or any other AMQP.


{AmqpEventEmitter} =…


Teacup is templates in native CoffeeScript.



  • Compose helper functions to build strings of HTML that can take advantage of the great functional features of JavaScript